Donate now to bring hope to an individual in need! image

Donate now to bring hope to an individual in need!

$3,625 raised

$20,000 goal

/ 150


The Grace Project aims to bring hope through acts of kindness to children and adults impacted by sickness, poverty, or addiction. We currently have three programs.

We found our roots in our Kensington Outreach program. We go out to the Kensington section of Philadelphia every Thursday and bring supplies to the homeless. We also help place individuals in treatment and conclude each of our trips by sweeping up a section of the neighborhood. Our Give a “Little” Hope Program is designed solely for children in need of a little hope and allows us to give them an entire day tailored specifically to them. Finally, we have our Hope for the Holidays program which brings a memorable holiday to families in need.

  • $100 can feed 200 people
  • $300 can sponsor a family of 4 on the holidays
  • $2000 can sponsor an entire Give A “Little” Hope day.